Technological Innovation Smart Manufacturing Digital Xinbao
Digitalized Operations and Management

Xinbao Holdings' tireless exploratory research and experimentation has led to the formation of three key systems in Digital Xinbao − delivery scheduling and tracking management; production and logistics coordination; and smart production and delivery planning − and the creation of a seamless end-to-end smart process that begins from the acceptance of orders to the delivery of the end product. An informatized and highly efficient integrated system has allowed Xinbao Holdings to develop a centralized monitoring system for the full value chain that is centered on delivery orders. The centralized system integrates numerous systems in the company, from entities in different stages of the supply chain − both upstream and downstream − as well as from suppliers and gives Xinbao Holdings real-time oversight of various indicators, speeding up the decision making process and reducing unnecessary operational costs. Xinbao Holdings has plans to implement informatization initiatives such as a 5G smart center, a supply chain industrial cluster, an online injection molding industrial network and so on.

Delivery Scheduling and Tracking Management
Digital Platform
Production Management Board
Smart Production and Delivery Planning
Production and Logistics Coordination
Digital Xinbao
Sales Order Status Monitoring Platform
Injection Molding IIoT Platform
Bus Management Platform
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