Smart Manufacturing Empowers the Future | Xinbao Green Smart Home Appliances Industrial Park Project Kicks Off

On July 21, 2022, the Xinbao Green Smart Home Appliances Industrial Park Project commenced officially. Government officials and officers of Xinbao and Donlim attended the groundbreaking ceremony, including Liu Zhiyong, Standing Committee Member of the Foshan Municipal CPC Committee & Secretary of the Shunde District CPC Committee; Ke Yuwei, Deputy Mayor of Shunde District; Wang Guang, Secretary of Leliu Sub-District Party Working Committee; Guo Jiangang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Donlim Kitchen Group and Xinbao Holdings; Guo Jianqiang, President of Donlim Kitchen Group & Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Xinbao Holdings; and Zeng Zhanhui, President of Xinbao Holdings.

The launch of the industrial park project signifies Xinbao's fresh strategic move in small home appliances manufacturing. The industrial park is located at an ideal location at the intersection of Guangzhou-Foshan-Jiangmen-Zhuhai Expressway and National Highway 325. It has a floor space of 140 mu (about 9.3 hectares) and a gross floor area of 310,000 square meters. A total of RMB1 billion is invested to build the smart manufacturing base for high-end electrical appliances, motors and electronics. The industrial park will facilitate Xinbao's comprehensive transformation toward a digitalized, smart manufacturer, drive the growth of Xinbao's domestic and export sales, and enhance brand competitiveness. After the park begins operations, Xinbao's annual output and annual taxes are expected to increase by RMB1.4 billion and RMB83 million respectively.

Xinbao Green Smart Home Appliances Industrial Park will encompass digital, smart, large-scale production and 3D warehouses, and it will apply a smart material system, smart warehouse control, and AGVs for the entire production process to substantially improve factory management and manufacturing efficiency. To make the smart park IT-based, 5G facilities, smart logistics facilities, manufacturing system support, and secondary resources will be put in place. The intensive digitalization will improve the smart park's convenient and orderly operations as well as safety and preventive features, enhancing management oversight and control. The in-depth integration of industrial and IT will help to address bottlenecks and weaknesses that hinder manufacturing and logistics, and achieve transformative informatization and upgrades. As a result, smart, data-driven manufacturing facilities with low costs, high efficiency and synergy will be built and run under an operational model that integrates manufacturing, logistics, warehousing and finance and boosts production efficiency and manufacturing and delivery capabilities. To reduce carbon emissions, over 30,000 square meters of green photovoltaic panels will be installed. Other programs, such as waste heat recovery from air compressors and industrial wastewater purification and recycling, will be implemented to minimize energy consumption and raise energy utilization.

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